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Keynote Address
Saturday, March 23rd
:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Zoom link:

"How to Do Things with Goblins:
(Notes Towards a Goblin Theory)"

Taking the concept of “goblin mode” as a starting point, this talk, presented by Dr. Sean Grattan, will ask what does it mean to theorize like a goblin? Combinatory, furtive, hoarding and horde-ing, goblin aesthetics and goblin theorizing flits through the underbrush, reusing, rehashing, and recycling at a time when the privileging of immediacy, individuality, and consumption intersects with anthropogenic climate chaos. This talk will take seriously what going full-goblin in our reading practices might look like and what might be gained by figuring the goblin as a methodological model.


Following Dr. Grattan's presentation, Dr. Haffey and Dr. Grattan will engage in dialogue before inviting questions and comments from the audience. 

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